(ΣΥΝΔΕΣΗ: Αυξάνονται οι πιλότοι που πετάνε με παρενέργειες μετά από εμβόλια COVID και μας προειδοποιούν…)
Are >100 dead US airline pilots trying to send us a message about vaccine safety? (+ Athlete death toll: An update)
A list deaths published in the Air Line Pilot Association magazine shows that most of the deaths in 2021 happened after the vaccines rolled out. Are dead pilots trying to tell us something?However, they only list the “new” deaths they heard about in each issue. So let’s not jump to conclusions just yet.
It looks like these pilots might be trying to teach us something about vaccine safety. We have a team of 40 people looking at all the back issues of the magazine and researching all the deaths. Stay tuned for what they find.
Strange isn’t it… the spike in deaths and collapses? Remember, a lot of athletes resisted getting the jab until their own mandates (or “incentives”) kicked in.
However, despite the evidence in VAERS and from personal experiences from doctors, the mainstream media tells us that this is just a coincidence. Right. And I’m Santa Claus.
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