
Σάββατο 21 Νοεμβρίου 2020

ΘΕΛΟΥΝ ΝΑ ΜΑΣ ΤΕΛΕΙΩΣΟΥΝ ΩΣ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΑ ΟΝΤΑ; Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will "Lead To Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, & Biological Identity"


Όχι, δεν μας είναι ευχάριστο, τις περισσότερες φορές, να επιβεβαιωνόμαστε ως προς τις δυσοίωνες αναρτήσεις μας, με όλα αυτά που δηλώνονται πλέον στα ίσια ή αποκαλύπτονται ξεκάθαρα στη συνέχεια.. 

Klaus Schwab: "Η Μεγάλη Επανεκκίνηση θα οδηγήσει στη συγχώνευση της φυσικής, ψηφιακής και βιολογικής μας ταυτότητας"

"Transhumanist singularity"..Τα human cyborgs! Aυτά που οι γκλομπαλιστές της υπερελίτ -η οποία ποτέ δεν δείχνει το αληθινό της πρόσωπο αλλά χρησιμοποιεί αχυράνθρωπους σαν τον κύριο της ανάρτησης ή τον Billyboy Gates-  επιθυμούν διακαώς να αποτελέσουν το επόμενο εξελικτικό στάδιο της "ανθρωπότητας". Της ανθρωπότητας όλων των υπόδουλων και ασφυκτικά χειραγωγούμενων υπάρξεων, που πρόκειται σύμφωνα με την Ατζέντα να χάσουν τα ανθρώπινα στοιχεία και ιδιότητες, τα οποία και προσδιόριζαν ένα φυσιολογικό ψυχικά και σωματικά ανθρώπινο ον... Αυτά που ετοιμάζουν και απροκάλυπτα δηλώνουν πια  -επιβραβεύοντας οι ίδιοι τις "θεωρίες συνωμοσίας"-  και με πρόσχημα την "πανδημία", μας τελειώνουν ως ανθρώπινα όντα!

Θυμήσου, φίλε αναγνώστη και φίλη αναγνώστρια κι αυτά: 

 - Παγκόσμιο Οικονομικό Φόρουμ: Έτσι θα οδηγηθούμε σωστά στη..."Μεγάλη Επανεκκίνηση" (ωχ...ωχ..!)

Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will "Lead To Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, & Biological Identity"

by Tyler Durden

" Schwab also waxes lyrical about the transhumanist utopian dream shared by all elitists which will ultimately lead to the creation of human cyborgs."

Globalist Klaus Schwab made it clear that transhumanism is an integral part of “The Great Reset” when he said that the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which in his book he clarifies is implantable microchips that can read your thoughts.

As we highlighted earlier, “The Great Reset” is attracting a deluge of fresh attention in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, which Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said was an “opportunity for a reset.”

The agenda is primarily based around dismantling the current capitalist system in favor of greater centralized technocrat rule which will lead to lower living standards, less fuel consumption, fewer civil liberties and the accelerated automation of jobs.

However, another key aspect to “The Great Reset,” or the “fourth industrial revolution” as Schwab calls it, is merging man with machine.
“What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” Schwab told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

 Schwab went on to explain how his book, ‘Shaping the Future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, was particularly popular in China, South Korea and Japan, with the South Korean military alone purchasing 16,000 copies.

As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” writes Schwab. “Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.”

Schwab also waxes lyrical about the transhumanist utopian dream shared by all elitists which will ultimately lead to the creation of human cyborgs.
Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us,” writes Schwab.“Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains. 
Schwab also openly endorses something the media still claims is solely a domain of discussion for conspiracy theorists, namely “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies.”
The globalist hails the arrival of “implanted devices (that) will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.”

So in other words, the “fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity” relates to the transhumanist singularity and a future where people have their every movement tracked and every thought read by an implantable microchip.

It isn’t a “conspiracy theory” when they’re openly telling you what they want to do.

 VIDEO: What is "The Great Reset"? With James Delingpole


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