
Παρασκευή 7 Οκτωβρίου 2022



H ΑΠΟΡΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΦΕΤΙΝΟΥ ΧΕΙΜΩΝΑ: " Οικονομικός πόλεμος μεταξύ Ευρώπης-Ρωσίας μέχρις εσχάτων. Εμάς, τους πολίτες της Ευρώπης ποιος μας ρώτησε αν θέλουμε να συμμετάσχουμε σε αυτόν τον πόλεμο?? " -  THIS WINTER'S BIG QUESTION: " Economic war between Europe and Russia until the end. But...who asked us, the citizens of Europe, if we want to participate in this war??"

ΡΩΣΙΑ | "Να εκλιπαρούν για έλεος"... - (6.10.2022)[Eng subs]

" A fierce attack against the leadership of the EU and the leaders of its countries, was launched a while ago, by posting on his Telegram account, the former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, on the occasion of the eighth package of sanctions decided today, which he scoffed calling them, "Infernal Sanctions" and analyzing that their effects on Russia are much smaller than what the EU expected. 
In more detail, in his long post, Dmitry Medvedev implicitly writes that he expects another round of sanctions, while calling them a "stupid idea of ​​former partners", which "costs", pointing out that the Russians are used to living with restrictions and adapting and emphasizing the problems they have caused for the citizens of Europe, to whom their leaders, to reassure them, are telling them that "you have to pay for democracy". Then, he refers to the incredible inflation numbers, experienced especially by the countries that harbor the greatest enmity for Russia, such as Estonia, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, which is more than 20% and adds that a heavy Winter is coming without Russian natural gas, pointing out that there is still no ceiling on its price." 

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